Saturday, June 22, 2013


Do you ever feel like there are so many things you want to get done that you just never get around to?

Things that might make the list if you had to list out your day-to-day priorities. 

I have so many things that in my head rank as priorities, but in real life never seem to make the cut.

Obviously, Logan is my #1 priority and is always taken care of. Next come keeping the house clean and getting food on the table. Both of which get met daily, but most likely in a so-so fashion. They are both continuous and the latter feeds the former. Kitchen is perfectly clean? Wonderful! Ok, time for lunch!

So, there is the child, then food and the house. Next comes the "extras." Like laundry, daily Bible reading, craft projects, keeping up with friends and family, exercise (ha!) blogging, and so, so much more! Yes, I totally just put laundry in the "extra" category. These are all things that I think I would put on my priority list, but what does my real life say? I think if someone were to document my priorities by observing me, Instagram would be above all of these on the list. *blush* #iloveittoomuch

Every Sunday morning I come home from church pumped to be more diligent about my daily Bible reading, then more often than not my Bible will sit in the same place Monday through Saturday. I can't tell you how many blog posts I "write" in my head that never make it to the computer. This is definitely not the first time I have written this post, but it is the first time I have typed it! My unspoken goal to myself is two posts a week. As far as craft projects... oh my, so many things I want to do. I have never mentioned it here, but I have been in the works of launching an Etsy shop for over a year now, but can't seem to get it off the ground. I have even contacted mommies to try out my product and have yet to mail one to them! 

It all boils down to time management. I have been terrible at it for as long as I can remember. Plus, let's be honest, priority #1 can be quite the time-suck. ;)

Am I all alone in this? Please say no. The fact that I am actually about to publish this post gives me hope! 
C'mon mama friends, let's cheer each other on!

***after i published this I realized that I didn't even mention my husband. He is obviously right up there with Logan, but our relationship comes so naturally to me that I don't have to put much effort into it. Not to say that our relationship doesn't take work, they all do, but maybe not conscious work? Anyway, I am one lucky lady. :) 

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